Monday, June 2, 2008

Busy times!

wow so it's been like 5 days since i last posted. sorry about that.
i've been extra busy lately due to the final choral concert, and i bet everyone else in it has been too XD

i don't believe much happened on wednesday or thursday? so i'll just skip XD

so friday night was the concert. a lot of great moments took place
and it went really well! i was really proud of all of us as always =]
the troubadours half was super long but grease was fun to do so it was great stuff!
so far everyone only complained about how long it was. lol but it seems to be good to them?
i mean if they think that's long try doing the same thing 3 nights in a row in rehearsal -_-
but then again it's not like they're in it so it's not their fault. lol

then saturday i woke up extra late cuz i was really worn out. spent all day trying to work on my spanish music video! darn camera wasnt compatible with laptop blah blah.
wouldve been a total waste of time if i didn't figure out how to do things in the end. haha

sunday, i went to nicole's house to have ax meeting with the group =]
it was fun and we came up with a new dance.
then kt found out i had a blogger account and all XD *yes, you, kt! haha*
we all went to brian's house for a bit *as kt's blog mentioned* to practice in his garage.
after it all we went back to nicole and kt's house and just listened to random music, watched random videos, and sang along to random songs. haha it was fun.

oh oh oh then that night i drove mark to in-n-out because i'm able to drive others that are 18+ with licensed now that I'm 18 =]
that was fun and he was scared a bit when i made the 2nd u-turn but hey i know i had total control XD poor guy =o

today was just regular school. long and tiring. UGH
i really wanna get out soon XD please please pleaseeee

my driving test is on thursday =o
i hope i pass so i can finally drive around with freedom >=o

well that's all for now, there's surely a lot more but i thought i'd give you something to read, kt. haha jk *sorta* XD


1 comment:

KT said...

hahaha thanks alan ! (: