Wednesday, June 18, 2008

France -> AX

so this is probably my final blog before leaving for france on friday?
i'm pretty excited i guess
but i wish i could take someone with meee >.<
like if it was more of a personal trip but still it'll be fun, right? XD

i saw a picture of a place we'll stay at and totally dropped my jaw
it was so beautiful >.< like in movies or dreams!
i always dreamt of going to france and/or italy with a loved one =]
well in this case it probably won't be this time. haha

i was a bit down tonight for a while
just felt like i need to go some place and scream my head off
cuz i really need to purge things out of me..
this is really unhealthy and i can't help it no matter how much i tell myself
it's just that i can't tell anyone and it's all inside of me and tugging =[

i wish i can say stuff i wanna say to like...2 or 3 people and things would get better somehow
but i know it probably won't XD

i'm so busy =[ i've gotta pack twice for france THEN for AX cuz it's like IMMEDIATELY following my return from france @_@
why oh whyyy )@&%)#%@#

w/e i'm gonna hope i can get stuff done!

wish me a safe trip =]
hope to see whoever reading soon...?

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