Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blogger survey?!?! haha XD

so just cuz kt did this and i have nothin to say on top of that for today XD

End Of The Year Survey:

Period 1: ap calc
Period 2: ap chem
Period 3: concert choir
Period 4: ap spanish
Period 5: econ


Period 1: chris, waylon, matt, arya
Period 2: peter, james, diana, david
Period 3: paul, sam, ryan
Period 4: julie, bryant
Period 5: chris, anthony, crystal, josh

- Who annoyed you most during 3rd period?
no one

-Who did you sit with at lunch?
whoever eats in front of the activities office on whichever day. hah

- Which period was the most boring?
well spanish died near the end of the year. hah

- Where are you most likely to fall asleep or not pay attention?
spanish for falling asleep >.< iono why it's always that class even though it's fun and all i can fall asleep while ppl are laughing -_-

-Which class did you get the most homework?
math, definitely

- Which class were you the most hyper?
choir i guess if at all

- What was your favorite class?
choir =_=

- Do you like lunch?
yes especially this year. i ate more and more @_@

- Do you like going to school?
for the ppl. i'm gonna miss it =[

- Who sits behind you in Period 3?
anyone. it's choir

- What teacher do you dislike the most?

- Can you talk in your 3rd period?
yes. we'd do anyway

- Who sits next to you in 5th period?
anthony and clara?

-Who sits in front of you in 6th?

-Summarize your year in two words?
it's been a great senior year.

-What do you think your next year is going to be like?
i have no idea @_@

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