Friday, June 13, 2008


so graduation was pretty cool =]
so many people were there at the pacific amphitheater
it was shorter than i imagined but it was a good thing, of course XD
except...after the ceremony something small occurred that sorta left me unsettled again =\

but then my family and i went out for lobster =o haha yayy
probably the last time in a long time for me >.<

after that it was GRAD NIGHTTTT
they totally worked their butts off for that. it was amazinggg
the school was like redone. haha well the inside of the gym, mainly
and omg there was the raffle and i won ROCK BAND hahaha XD
wow first thing i ever won a raffle for something that wasnt for girls. haha
cuz i remember winning some small thing but it was for girls -_-
it was totally worth it like i got my ticket money back. haha
and i totally got simon le the night out pack cuz i put his tickets in the box for him and gave him some of my luck XD haha jk

so the following day (thursday) i slept through 5 alarms -_- and missed troubs rehearsal in the morning
but i pushed myself to get to the second rehearsal at 12:30pm which was like 30 minutes from when i woke up. haha

and then i got some friends (seniors) who weren't going to disneyland that night to go karaokeing after yogurtland =] that was pretty funn, guys! i hadn't seen some in forever!

and today (friday) i had troubs rehearsal again in the morning until 10:30am ish. we went to yogurtland (again for me XD) and then got dropped off at home. hmm

so this week's been going...prettyyy well.
i realized that i'm a pretty lucky kid. except for things that i really truly want. >.<

i realized that most of the time, all i need and want is the attention of one individual =\
and it's pretty much the only thing i can't get now.
and i've been thinking today.
i realized that certain promises i've made have a time limit on them.
...there have been a few things i've been wanting to tell SOMEONE but not anyone really badly...
because it hurts the longer i keep it inside... but because of something or another, i can't tell...
but i promise two years... and so even if it might not matter to... another... it matters to me so i will keep those two years and perhaps i will just explode and tell someone after that >.<

i really don't understand myself sometimes.
maybe for another, but this is like... hurting myself to make them happy
with some hope for the future yet... it's seemingly impossible =\
then what do i really want?

sometimes i'm better at solving others' problems a bit better than solving my own...

"we only accept the love that we believe we deserve"

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