Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Home at last

So i'm finally home from the France tour with Troubadours =]
i have to say that it was quite an amazing collection of events in my life

during the trip i got to see so many spectacular places and things that i had only experienced in stories, photos and movies.
it was also because of the trip that i felt a bit more lighthearted about all else and figure stuff out.
well it was sorta a mess actually but i got off the sinking boat >.<
now i really don't know what to do
it's like this weird state of neutrality. haha

maybe i'll just go back to my old mindset and let things happen as they were meant to be.
maybe i just never took a chance at all.

i have to say i missed people
but i only wished that i had a specific someone to really miss
or at least if they were there with me
it has been my dream but i guess that won't be complete this time.
there will definitely be a next =]

singing with Troubadours was amazing
and during the song "the road home" in the last concert, i teared o.O
i suddenly realized that only one year ago i sang this song with those seniors who were going off to start their new lives far from each other, and now i'm singing it there... in the oldest church of france... for me and my other fellow seniors. and it was the last time i will sing as a Troubadour.
heck, i teared during rehearsal for that song and it wasnt even the concert yet -_- haha..

we did a fantastic job XD i really mean it
the last concert gave me such a personal feeling to the music and not just singing to others.
i really felt everyone giving their best to sound good for it and we really did =]
i'm finally so proud that we have deserved the titles and the greatness that we all came this far for.

so i have to say goodbye, france,
and see you later =]

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