Sunday, July 27, 2008

Random post

SO i'm just checking back to blog more because of KT!! @_@ *happy? XD*
but yeah i guess it gives her somethin to do -_-

hah so anyway today paul and ryan j., sean, katie and i drove to LA for this sales event by American Apparel.
after getting there we waited in line for seriously like..3-4 hours @_@
in the end getting like crappy stuff to pick from. haha but w/e i just got a tshirt to make it worthwhile -_-
i guess they got a lot more stuff. but yeah we had fun just driving and standing in line.

and kt, i'm sorry if i scared you with the driving XD but i mean you...DID scream over the birds....sooooo....;P
i'm pretty sure i was more scared of you guys in the car than i am of the freeway -_-

anyhow we ended up getting In-n-Out and it was all good XD
i'm super glad i got everyone home in one piece. it was like the first time for me having such a long ride. haha but yeah i'll have to go much farther in the future so this is just practice, basically.

and i think i feel a bit better about things now. my mind has settled down and no headaches or any-ache anymore @_@

i hope things continue to be good..

1 comment:

Kumori said...

hey! aha freeway. yeah at least it wasn't ur mom in the car.